Wrongful Death

Boston Wrongful Death Lawyer

At Heinlein Beeler Mingace & Heineman, P.C., we offer compassionate and responsive representation to people who have lost a loved one due to someone else’s fault. The tragedy of losing a close family member is made all the more painful when it is the result of someone else’s negligence. Our firm strives to hold negligent parties accountable while honoring the life of the person whose life was lost.

If you would like to speak with someone about the wrongful death of a close family member, such as a spouse, parent, or child, contact a lawyer from our firm.

Referring to Experts

We often use forensic experts to uncover the conscious pain and suffering the decedent experienced. Forensic experts are able to tell us what is going on in the body during the time of death, how the person died, and what that feels like. A fatal accident changes a family forever, and it is important to show the judge, jury, or insurance company the pain the decedent felt. It is this pain that family members will think of often. Negligent people and entities must be held accountable for their negligent actions and the trauma those actions bring to the lives of people who loved someone.

In Massachusetts, the wrongful death statute provides one of the few opportunities to seek punitive damages. When seeking such damages, it is important to have experienced counsel who can obtain the information necessary to support such claims.

Sadly, a wrongful death can occur in many ways. If you have lost a loved one in any of the following occurrences (or in any other way), contact our firm to learn how we can help.

Our attorneys are experienced litigators in state and federal court. Many of our clients are referred to our firm by our colleagues. We believe our fellow attorneys feel comfortable referring clients to our firm because of our record of success and the responsiveness we show to each client. Contact our law office to learn more about how we can help your family.

No Fee Unless You Win

Free Consultation (508) 626-8500