Serious Injuries

Boston Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Our firm offers comprehensive services to people who have suffered brain injuries in car accidents, construction site accidents, and other accidents. We work closely with experts in various professions to determine the future costs and implications of the injuries. If you are concerned about the serious injuries of a loved one and worried about the medical and financial issues brought about by the injury, contact an attorney from Heinlein Beeler Mingace & Heineman, P.C.

Comprehensive Care for Seriously Injured People

Our attorneys confer with medical, vocational, and financial experts to determine the long-term needs of seriously injured people. Experts such as life care planners, economists, psychologists, and other professionals give us and our clients invaluable information. This information helps our clients and their caregivers understand what to expect. When someone requires twenty-four hour care for the rest of their life, the family needs to know how that care will be provided. Serious injuries require major adjustments for entire families. Our firm strives to help people plan for these adjustments. We represent people who suffer from life-changing injuries such as:

  • Burns
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Amputations
  • Closed head injuries

We want to ensure that injured people will be able to have the care they need for as long as they need it after our representation has concluded. We always take these future needs into consideration in our settlement and litigation tactics. We take into account the future implications of serious injuries and demand fair compensation. We proceed with litigation when it is in the best interests of our clients and their futures. We are experienced litigators in state and federal court, offering seriously injured clients and their families high-quality representation. Contact our firm to arrange a consultation.

No Fee Unless You Win

Free Consultation (508) 626-8500